Develop a company

What is the role of customer experience management in CRM?

While the number of product information within a corporation continues to rise, this data is commonly dispersed among several distinct sources: ERP, CRM, pim, and Excel spreadsheets. This dispersion of product details invariably leads to errors and affects the productivity…

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Take advantage of a wide range of diamond wire saws online

The Diamond wire saw cutting technique involves using different wire sizes infused with diamond abrasion to cut through fabric. Diamond being the most rigid metal, this technique can incise nearly everything softer than diamond. This attribute gives it a vast…

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How does digital marketing convert new customers ?

The creation of company websites, as well as membership on social networks, are currently very popular in entrepreneurship. The majority of potential consumers are, in fact, present on the Internet; and it is there that we must attract them. However,…

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The professional coach: identifying your strengths and weaknesses

Whether in sports or in the business world, there has always been a strong rivalry between competitors. A strong increase in the growth rates of the competition pushes each competitor to surpass themselves and above all to stand out from…

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New technologies to support the sales teams

By new technology we mean all the scientific innovations and accelerations that improve life, which can also be described as high technology. And more precisely, in the strict sense of the word, new information and communication technologies (NICTs) are the…

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Competitor monitoring: inspiration is not copying!

Competitive intelligence is a practical tool for analysing competition, both direct and indirect. Few companies still practice it today. However, it provides significant advantages that should simply not be underestimated if one wants to remain competitive in a particular market….

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